Unconventional Sake Pairings for Thanksgiving Dinner
Elevate your Thanksgiving this year while creating a memorable experience of sharing and celebrating with loved ones over a glass of sake!
Sake High! is all about bending cuisines and embracing new flavors and experiences. Try these reimagined Thanksgiving recipes and transform your Thanksgiving table!
Miso Glazed Turkey Breast– Try an umami-rich miso glaze with a mixture of white miso, mirin, sake, and ginger
Sticky Rice Stuffing – Cook sticky rice with shiitake mushrooms, Chinese sausage, and chestnuts
Black Sesame and Ginger Carrots – Carrots with olive oil, finely minced fresh ginger, a couple of drops of hot toasted sesame oil, soy sauce, toasted black sesame seeds, + sea salt
Green Tea Pumpkin Pie – A Japanese twist on the classic Thanksgiving dessert >> Add matcha powder to your favorite pumpkin pie filling >> Pour into a ginger snap crust >> Serve with black sesame whipped cream
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